10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (2024)

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (1)

Yeast, bread, and toilet paper were among the first items to disappear off the grocery shelves during the start of the 2020 pandemic. Bread is a beloved food staple and has been since cavemen roamed the earth. There are lavish bread recipes for the rich, basic homemade recipes for the middle class, and meager yeast-free bread recipes for the impoverished.

The majority of the United States population relies on grocery stores for bread, cakes, crackers, and pastries. We love the way it fills our bellies and the way its carbs convert into energy. So, what can you do when yeast is not available? Do you have a back-up plan if the supply chain is interrupted? Having 50 lbs of flour in your food storage pantry is a good start but what other ingredients would you need to make a simple food staple like bread for your family?

Below are 10 yeast-free bread recipes that need very few ingredients. These recipes have withstood the test of time and kept people away from starvation during times of scarcity. You may want to try a few of these recipes and see if one is a good fit for your family. Don’t forget to print a few and add them to your preparedness binder.

  1. Australian Damper

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (2)

For thousands of years, this bread has been made by Australian Aborigines. They would grind plants or nuts to make flour then mix it with water. Eventually, Australian cowboys were documented traveling with flour, salt, and water to make a bush bread by cooking it over hot coals. After many years, the recipe has expanded ingredients and adapted to a more modern taste.

(6) Ingredients: Flour, salt, milk, butter, sugar, baking powder

For the full recipe visit: Food.com – Australian Damper

  1. Bannock

This bread originated from Scotland around 1562. The bread was eventually found in Canada and throughout North America used by Native Americans. It’s typically a dense, flat bread cooked in a round pan and made from oats or barley.

(5) Ingredients: Flour, baking powder, salt, bacon grease, water

For the full recipe visit: Prepper’s Will – How to Make Bannock Bread

  1. Crackers

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (3)

Modern day crackers started out as Hard Tack (see the recipe below) then evolved in 1810, from an accidental baking incident into the cracker we know and love today. They got their name from the cracking noise they make when bitten into.

(5) Ingredients: Flour, sugar, salt, fat (oil, butter, etc), water

For the full recipe visit: The Pioneer Woman – How to Make Crackers

  1. Hard Tack

It’s a biscuit that has been used by sailors for thousands of years. The recipe was documented as far back as Ancient Rome. During the Civil War, it was a food staple for soldiers. With only three ingredients, it’s a go-to recipe to help people get through hard times by holding off hunger-pains.

(3) Ingredients: Flour, salt, water

For the full recipe visit: YouTube – Treader Tube – Hard Tack Survival Bread

  1. Pancakes

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (4)

Pancakes might be the oldest form of bread known to man, dating back to the Stone Age. Early American pancakes used buckwheat or cornmeal (aka Johnnycakes). What makes pancakes different from other breads it how it’s cooked. Once the batter has been made you drop it into a heated, greased pan. So, you’ll need a fifth ingredient which is grease or oil.

(4) Ingredients: Flour, eggs, milk, baking powder

For the full recipe visit: Café Delites – Easy 3 Ingredient Pancakes

  1. Soda Bread

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (5)

Soda bread originates from Ireland and was cooked in an iron pot over an open flame. It has a hard crust, dense texture, and a sour taste. Sour milk was used because of its reaction with the baking soda. Today buttermilk is used instead.

(4) Ingredients: Flour, salt, baking soda, buttermilk

For the full recipe visit: Cooking NY Times – Traditional Irish Soda Bread

  1. Sponge Cake

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (6)

Italians introduced this yummy bread to the world around 1420 during the Renaissance. It became very popular because it’s easy to make, uses only three ingredients, has no added fat, and tastes great!

(3) Ingredients: Flour, eggs, sugar

For the full recipe visit: Food.com – Three Ingredient Italian Sponge Cake

  1. Survival Bars

Survival bars are a modern spin on ration bars. They are designed to be high in calories, have a long shelf life, use inexpensive ingredients, and taste better than fortified ration bars that the military and Coast Guard use.

(6) Ingredients: Oats, powdered milk, sugar, honey, gelatin, water

For the full recipe visit: Food Storage and Survival – Homemade Survival Bars

  1. Tamale

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (7)

Tamales are older than Mayan or Aztec civilizations. This recipe is estimated to be over 10,000 years old. Warriors and hunters would pack them for sustenance on long journeys.

(6) Ingredients: Masa harina (corn flour), stock, salt, baking powder, lard, butter

For the full recipe visit: Mexican Please – Easy Tamales Recipe

  1. Trench Cake

The British government released this recipe to the public so they could make a cake with the limited food rations citizens were allocated. It was common practice to send a trench cake to a loved one fighting in the first world war. Eggs were scarce so vinegar was used as a substitute. This recipe can be improved by adding currants or raisins, plus spices like nutmeg and ginger.

(7) Ingredients: Flour, cocoa, baking soda, margarine, vinegar, milk, brown sugar

For the full recipe visit: Ask a Prepper – WW1 Survival Food


11. Birch Flour Cookies

Did you know that the inner bark of a Birch tree is edible? It helps to strip, dry, and grind it into flour. This practice was found in Sweden as early as the 1800s. Birch has been used for medicinal properties in many countries. Ashley from Practical Self Reliance created a Birck Bark Shortbread Cookie.

(5) Ingredients: flour, birch bark flour, sugar, salt, butter

For the full recipe visit: Birch tree is edible

Do you have a favorite simple bread recipe or campfire bread recipe that you’d like to share? Please let us know in the comment section below.

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10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (8)

10 Doomsday Bread Recipes - Survival Prepper (2024)


How do you make wilderness bread? ›

Alternatively, rather than use a stick, cook in a heated and oiled cast iron skillet. Press the bannock dough down into the pan so that it is thumb thick. Prop up the skillet near the embers to cook in the radiated heat, turn as and when necessary to cook evenly all over.

How do I prepare for Doomsday? ›

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
  1. Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  2. Food (at least a several-day supply of non-perishable food)
  3. Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.
  4. Flashlight.
  5. First aid kit.
  6. Extra batteries.
  7. Whistle (to signal for help)
Aug 4, 2023

What is the secret to making homemade bread? ›

12 tips for making perfect bread
  1. Use the right yeast. ...
  2. Store your yeast properly. ...
  3. Treat salt with care. ...
  4. Take your time. ...
  5. Try different flours. ...
  6. Consider vitamin C. ...
  7. Practice makes perfect. ...
  8. Don't prove for too long.

Why is it called cowboy bread? ›

Pan de Campo is also called Cowboy bread and is a sort of flat bread. The bread was eaten by Cowboys who worked the ranches in early Texas. The cowboys prepared it in small portable ovens which gave it its distinct texture and flavor.

What food should I stockpile? ›

  • Meats & Beans. Canned meat, chicken, turkey, seafood. and other protein-rich foods, such as. ...
  • Vegetables. Canned vegetables and vegetable juices. ...
  • Fruits. Canned fruits and fruit juices. ...
  • Milk. Canned, boxed or dried milk and shelf- ...
  • Grains. Ready-to-eat cereal, crackers, pretzels, ...
  • Water. Enough for 1 gallon per day.

What is the first rule of prepping? ›

Preppers often have to explain their preparations to family and friends, but there's a simple solution: Stop explaining and keep your preps a secret.

What is another name for doomsday preppers? ›

Prepper: A term often used as a synonym for survivalist that came into common usage during the early 2000s. Refers to one who is prepared or making preparations, such as by stockpiling food and ammunition.

How do you make flour in the wilderness? ›

Different grains, such as Curly Dock, Wild Rice, Lambs Quarter, and Wild Rye can all be ground and made into flour. Potatoes and tapioca and other roots can also be transformed into wild flours. Some people have even used the bark from Pine and Birch trees to grind into a fine powder.

What ingredient preserves bread? ›

Bread preservatives are additives that help slow the deterioration of bread. While there are no specific/unique preservatives in bread (the preservatives used here can be used in multiple recipes), commonly used bread ingredients include: citric acid, calcium propionate, potassium sorbate, and sorbic acid.

How was Bible bread made? ›

The grain was ground on the course surface to break down the soft center of the kernel into flour. It was a very laborious process and had the disadvantage of producing basalt grit which got into the bread and gradually wore down the teeth. Bread was baked in small domed clay ovens, or tabun.

What type of bread did Native Americans make? ›

Bannock, skaan (or scone), Indian bread, alatiq, or frybread is found throughout North-American Native cuisine, including that of the Inuit of Canada and Alaska, other Alaska Natives, the First Nations of the rest of Canada, the Native Americans in the United States, and the Métis.

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