Design your own wardrobe | Bespoke closet configurator by Pickawood™ (2024)

Design your own wardrobe | Bespoke closet configurator by Pickawood™ (1)

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Design your own wardrobe | Bespoke closet configurator by Pickawood™ (2024)


How do you design a wardrobe layout? ›

The Left-hand side is then divided into two unequal spaces; a wider section for long hanging and a narrower section for short hanging – with shelving to be added on the bottom. The right-hand side will have space for more short hanging, eight drawer units and a column of shoe shelves.

Can I make my own fitted wardrobes? ›

Building your own DIY fitted wardrobes can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to add functional and stylish storage space to your home. Fitted wardrobes maximise the use of available space and can be customised to suit your specific needs.

How easy is it to build a wardrobe? ›

They're pretty simple to build, and make a good project for someone wanting to develop their DIY skills. You'll get experience in how to frame a wall, how to put up drywall, how to plaster, and how to install a set of sliding doors.

How deep are wardrobes UK? ›

Standard wardrobe depth dimensions will depend on the style and size of your closet. Generally, standard depths range from 35 to 60 centimetres. The average depth for a single door wardrobe is 55 centimetres deep, while double doors tend to be around 70-75 centimetres in depth.

How do you make a wardrobe from scratch? ›

  1. Step 1: Getting Started. First, cut down the plywood sheets down to a manageable size, I will be using a circular saw and Kreg rip cut guide. ...
  2. Step 2: Building the Frame. ...
  3. Step 3: Add the Dividers and Back. ...
  4. Step 4: Building the Drawers. ...
  5. Step 5: Add Edge Banding. ...
  6. Step 6: Sand and Apply Finish. ...
  7. Step 7: Install Hardware.

How much does it cost to design a wardrobe? ›

Custom closet prices for most customers sit around $3,500 to $5,000 based on your closet size and customizations.

How much should a custom built in wardrobe cost? ›

How much do fitted wardrobes cost?
ItemRange - LowAverage cost
3-door standard fitted wardrobe£2,500£3,250
3-door sliding door fitted wardrobe£2,800£3,700
6-door wide fitted wardrobe-£4,800
2-section custom built fitted wardrobe-£3,400
1 more row
Nov 21, 2023

What makes a perfect wardrobe? ›

A little black dress, a pair of jeans, and some neutral heels are essentials that you can wear over and over again. If you prefer a simpler approach to getting dressed, try a minimalist wardrobe with a select number of high-quality pieces. Use these tips to look your best and make getting dressed simple.

How to build a wardrobe over 50? ›

A capsule wardrobe for over 50 women doesn't necessarily mean a sea of plain basics - unless that's your bag of course. It's about finding your style personality and choosing a select number of pieces that all go well together. Each item should really work with at least four other items in your wardrobe.

How to build a stylish wardrobe on a budget? ›

Minimalism can help you create a wardrobe that's both stylish and wallet-friendly. Here's how: Capsule wardrobes: Limit your wardrobe to a few key pieces that can be mixed and matched. Invest in quality: It's better to have a few well-made garments than a closet full of cheap, disposable clothing.

What is the ideal wardrobe size? ›

The standard dimension is a minimum of seven feet by 10 feet. A single side closet is about four to five feet deep and occupes 24 inches of depth with 36 inches as clearance. A double sided closet can have two 24 inches storage space on each side.

How thick are Ikea wardrobes? ›

The frames are available in two depths: 35cm and 58cm. Most people will choose the deeper of the two frames as they are a standard size for the majority of wardrobes.

Do fitted wardrobes have to be wall to wall? ›

Fitted wardrobes are made to measure and are installed in your space by being secured to at least one wall. You don't need to have walls on either side - in fact, the most common installation involves fixing a wardrobe to the back wall as well as in one corner to save the greatest amount of space in the room.

Is it cheaper to build your own wardrobe? ›

In conclusion, while building your own wardrobe may appear cheaper initially, it is essential to factor in long-term durability and maintenance costs. Pre-built wardrobes offer higher quality materials and construction expertise for increased longevity and reduced upkeep requirements.

Can you build a Pax wardrobe on your own? ›

Has anyone done an IKEA PAX wardrobe assembly all by yourself ? I have done it on my own. The assembly is straighforward, but the bigger pieces can be hard to hold in place on your own. The hardest thing is getting it upright (not heavy if it has no doors on, but awkward).

What are the disadvantages of fitted wardrobes? ›

Disadvantages: Cost: Customization and installation often mean that fitted wardrobes are more expensive than their free-standing counterparts. Permanence: Once installed, relocating or removing a fitted wardrobe can be challenging and might require professional help.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.