Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (2024)

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Surprise! Dear @pjpammee​ & anonymous askers ​, I have heard your requests about doing Carla’s route and I hope this makes you happy! (๑و•̀ω•́)و [Honestly, if anyone still has someone they want me to translate from Lunatic Parade in the future please type an anon ask and I will definitely see it!]

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (1)
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (2)

Place: Glimmer street — Eisen alley

Yui: (Okay…let’s face this problem… !)

Place: Demon world — Carriage

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (3)

Carla: …..

Yui: Um… Carla-san…

Carla: What is it?

Yui: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to involve you in all of this…

Carla: I know that there was no other option for you, but to choose me. It will not be a problem like this.

You are my main possession… it is within my duty to ensure for your future.

All you have to do is rely on me.

Yui: Yes… ! Thank you… !

(That’s reassuring. After all it really was a good idea to choose Carla-san…)

(It’s relieving to know that Carla-san will be by my side, even in the Demon World…)

Place: Demon world — Bernstein castle

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (4)

Carla: — We arrived.

Yui: Where… ?

Carla: Is it not obvious? This is the mansion belonging to the Earl of Walter, the Bernstein castle.

Yui: Eh!?

Carla: What are you making such a foolish face for? Do you not have to attend business with the Earl?

Yui: Y-You’re completly right… but is it okay if we just suddenly enter his castle… ?

Carla: Who do you think I am? My astounding lineage is one of the First Bloods… I am the Founder king. Do you really doubt my power?

Some of them may show nobility, but you can not compare mere vampires to someone as powerful as me.

— Nevertheless, that man is not likely to just hand over your heart in the first place.

Yui: That might be right…

Carla: Still, we will not know what will happen until we experience it ourselves. Let’s get inside.

Yui: Yes.

*Carla leaves*

Yui: (I’m worried… I still don’t think that we’ll be able to meet up with the Earl this easily)

(But on the other side I haven’t really been able to do anything myself so far without his help)

(The Founder king really has a lot of power, even in a place like the Demon World)

Place: Bernstein castle — Throne room

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (5)

Butler: Well, Well… Welcome to the Bernstein castle. I am the butler of this mansion.

Carla: — Where is the Earl?

Butler: You will be able to meet up with him shortly. For now, please head this way and rest a bit after your tiring travel.

Carla: Hmph… it seriously takes some nerves to make someone like me wait.

Yui: (…This place seems very welcoming… but something feels off about the situation…)

(The owner of this castle, who is the Earl of Walter, is still the one who stole my heart…)

Carla: … What is wrong? You are making a disgraceful face.

Yui: … Ah, no… it’s nothing.

Carla: … Well, quit looking so disturbed then. We are already inside, there is no need to panic anymore.

Yui: Yes…

(Even if he says that, I can’t calm down)

(Luckily the Kleinod which still replaces my heart doesn’t seem to be doing anything strange until now…)

(It could just—)

Carla: — By the way… I want to ask you something.

Yui: …Yes?

Carla: Right now, do you not also desire the option of becoming a demon yourself?

Yui: Demon… what do you mean?

Carla: If you want, you can become immortal. Once you truly desire it, I can grant that wish for you at any time.

If you would become immortal, there would not be any reason to recover your heart anymore.

Of course, you would still require a heart as a replacement, but that Kleinod would be good enough for it.

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (6)

Yui: I didn’t think about that…

Carla: Then think about it now. Although, if you are not interested in this idea, we do not have to do it.

*Carla comes closer*

Carla: — You are my woman… Even if you were immortal, it would make no difference.

With that being said, there is nothing special about you remaining a human being anymore.

Rather than that, would it not be better for you to stay directly by my side for eternity?

Yui: Yes, that might—


Carla: … You turned silent. Well, whatever. Consider it carefully then.

If you would agree that easily, I would have considered this voyage as unnecessary in the first place.

Once you are able to speak to the Earl, I hope that you know that he will not immediately return your heart back to you.

Watching the parade with me will give you an excellent opportunity to choose to continue your current life as a Founder’s woman.

Yui: …Carla-san…

Carla: If possible, you might be able to even use this castle as your own one then.

Yui: (Carla-san… it somehow seems as if his reasons for searching after my heart changed…)

(For him to make me decide about something like this… but he might be right…)

(As I am now, there isn’t any particular reason for me to hold into my human life…)

*someone knocks*

Butler: Excuse me.

Carla: Has your master returned?

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (7)

Butler: I am very sorry. You will have to wait a little bit longer for his arrival.

I have prepared something for you while you keep waiting for my master, so please enjoy what I made.

Yui: …Ah… ! Afternoon tea… !

Butler: Indeed. I hope you both can enjoy the tea party while waiting.

Carla: …..

Butler: For Carla-sama, I have also prepared some sandwiches made with special yet difficult to obtain raw ham from the Demon World.

Carla: …Oh… ?

Butler: I hope this is to your liking.

Yui: (Carla-san, he suddenly seems very interested in trying them…)

*time skipped*

Carla: Hmm. Not bad.

Yui: It was really good.

Carla: Did you not hear me? I did not say anything about it being good, just that it was not bad.

Yui: Fufu…

Carla: You, just now you laughed. What was so funny?

Yui: Eh!? N-No… that’s…

Carla: Answer. Otherwise… you will have to eat this pickle that you refused to eat earlier.

Yui: Please, no…

Carla: You remain silent. Then open your mouth—

*Carla comes closer*

Yui: (Ah, what should I do… I can’t bring myself to eat it, but I don’t think I can explain my behavior either….)


1) — Carla-san was acting cute ♡ ♡ ♡

2) — There was food on your cheeks

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (8)

— Carla-san was acting cute ♡

Yui: — I laughed because Carla-san was cute, I couldn’t help it but laugh a little…

Carla: …I was… cute… you say?

Yui: ….. ! I-I’m sorry…

*Carla blushes*

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (9)

Carla: You, you must be joking. Calling someone like me cute — You seriously have some nerves!

Yui: … Nn… !

(Carla-san got mad at me…?)

— There was food on your cheeks

Yui: Um… that was… because there’s some ham on your cheeks…

Carla: What… !?

Ngh… you!

Yui: Huh!? Y-You wanted me to tell you!

Carla: I did not tell you to be disobedient.

Yui: (H-How rude!)

end Choices

Mysterious voice: My my, aren’t you two getting along pretty well? You surely are enjoying yourselves.

Yui: Eh… ?

(Where is that voice coming from… !?)

Carla: — That voice… so you came, Walter…

Earl of Walter: It’s been forever, right? I wonder what kind of story you will have for me today…

Carla: I have no certain interest in reminiscing. You have taken the heart of my possession. You better have an understandable explanation for that.

Show yourself instantly.

Earl of Walter: Unfortunately, I’m away from my castle and can not meet you in person. Please understand my circ*mstances.

Carla: …..

Earl of Walter: Come on, don’t be angry with me.

It’s very impressive of you to come, searching for the heart of that lovely woman of yours.

Carla: This is only about you. I wonder why you are not more worried about yourself.

Earl of Walter: Fufu… I was just interested.

Interested in how far you would go for this poor woman that you’ve taken captive, this woman who is a mere human among all demons you could have chosen.

Carla: Hold on. I do not remember agreeing to any of your investigations.

Earl of Walter: Come on, don’t talk like that. This woman already possesses two great treasures in this world.

It is my responsibility to make sure she is a person worthy of possessing these treasures.

Yui: … What do you mean?

Carla: You are going on about an obligation, but who gave you that certain privilege? You are just a man with a disturbing hobby.

This man takes treasures from their owners, then tests them to see if they are worth having them returned.

Furthermore, what deems as passing seems to be based on this man’s own preferences.

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (10)

Yui: That means as long as we pass the test, I can get my heart back?

Earl of Walter: Indeed. As long as I approve it, it will be promptly returned.

Yui: …E-Even if you say that…

(It would be stupid if I wouldn’t consider this carefully, since the Earl will be the one deciding what’s acceptable and what‘s not…)

(I can’t do that, this test isn‘t fair…)

Carla: — Unfortunately, I have no intention of going along with this pointless game of yours.

Earl of Walter: Oh? Then, how do you intend on getting her heart back?

Yui: That’s—

Carla: …..

Earl of Walter: It seems as if you haven’t figured that out yet. Fufu… I don’t particularly care about what you choose to do.

It wouldn’t be a problem for me if you just gave up on this treasure, just like you did before.

Yui: (….. ? What does that mean… like before?)

Earl of Walter: — Well, although this may not be the right time, you might stay in this castle while you decide your choice.

You are welcome to relax here and take your needed time.

The butler has been notified, so please feel free to alert him if there is anything you need.

Carla: Even if you had not said that, I would have done so anyways.

Earl of Walter: Fufu. Is that so? Then there should be no problem—

*Earl disappears*

Carla: — He disappeared…

Yui: Carla-san, is it true that you were someone close to the Earl of Walter… ?

Carla: …That is… already an old story, but the Earl is doing the same thing as he did a few years ago.

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (11)

Yui: Did he steal something important from you?

Carla: That is right. He took a beloved treasure of an earlier founder, and I had to go through something similar.

Yui: That means, that you couldn’t get the treasure back, right?

Carla: The Earl certainly said it like this, am I right?

Yui: That’s right…

Carla: We are Founders. If one of us is fooled by something like a vampire, even if it is for an important treasure, it can not be helped.

— Come a little closer…

*Carla pulls Yui closer*

Yui: Carla-san…

Carla: …..

I never wanted to get something back as much as your heart, I want to treat you as you would do this for me.

From now until eternity, I will continue to live forever, but since you are a human being your life is certainly limited.

Once that will happen… I will—

Yui: (…Since I’ve spent so much time with Carla-san together already, I also thought about this from time to time)

(It hurts to remember that I can’t promise to be with him forever…)

Carla: …Hm, it seems as if you are overthinking it yourself.

Yui: … No, it’s just…

Carla: This is your own choice. Even if you completely belong to me, I have no intention of forcing you to do something you do not desire.

That is something you should keep in mind.

Yui: Yes.

(But even if he says that… Carla-san’s intention from earlier… I know it will be—)

*festival music starts*

Carla: Hm… This is…

Yui: Is this the music of the parade?

Carla: Hm, it is quite lively.

Yui: I’d like to watch the parade for a bit.

Place: Bernstein castle — Balcony

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (12)

Yui: Wow… !

(There’s a ship on the canal. I wonder if that’s what you call a gondola… ?)

(That ship seems to go around the city while playing music)

(It looks really lively and fun… I wonder if Carla-san would enjoy to go to the parade for a little bit)

(But… )

Carla: …..

Yui: (Carla-san doesn’t seem interested in going there at all, and it’s not like I can go there alone)

*Yui leans over the railing*

Yui: Even so — From here… at least…!

Uhh… I’d love to see more of it… but it’s really far away… right now it’s even behind a building…

*Carla comes closer*

Carla: — I suppose you want to go there.

Yui: Ngh… ! Kya!?

(No…! I didn’t pay attention… Nn… !! I’m falling… !

Kyaaaa… !!

Carla: Yui… !!

*Carla grabs Yui*

Yui: Ngh… !!!!

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (13)

Carla: … You, what is the meaning of this?!

Yui: I-I’m sorry… Ah… Ngh… !!

(It’s way too high… What should I do… If I fell from this height… Would I die?)

Carla: Do not make such a nervous face. Believe in me.

Yui: Carla… san… ngh…

Carla: I am going to pull you up now.

Place:Bernstein castle — Balcony

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (14)

Yui: Haa, Haa…

Carla: This is a dangerous place.

Yui: …..

(I-If Carla-san wouldn’t have saved me… I surely would have—)

Yui: Nn… !!

Carla: … What is wrong?

Yui: I-I’m sorry… I was so close to fall down…

It’s just… I can’t stop shaking anymore…

Carla: …..

*Carla hugs Yui*

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (15)

Yui: Ah…

Carla: It is alright now.

Yui: Carla-san…

Carla: You belong to me. Even that life of yours does. That is why, I will not allow anyone to harm or even kill you while I am still alive.

What you truly want to do with your own life, is the only remaining thing only I can decide in this world.

Yui: …..

(That’s a pretty strong way of saying it… but in the end… Carla-san tried to comfort me with such kind words, and it did calm me down a little bit…)

Carla: Now, go back inside. I will speak directly with the butler about this incident.

It is his only responsibility to care and maintain the castle after all.

*Carla leaves*

Yui: …..

Place:Bernstein castle — Throne room

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (16)

Yui: (Haa, thanks to Carla-san I’ve finally stopped shaking but… I was really scared of death…)

(This heart… It seems to be working normally for now. I still don’t exactlyknow how it works but… )


Carla: …..

Yui: (For now I should just drink what’s left from the tea and continue to calm down…)

Carla: — Hey.

Yui: Y-Yes!?

Carla: We are leaving, now.

Yui: Eh!? W-Where are we… supposed to go?

*Carla walks away*

Yui: Eh!? Wait, please wait for me! Carla-san… !?

Place: Demon World — Glimmer Main Street

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (17)

Yui: — Carla-san! Where are we going?

Carla: …..

Yui: Carla-san!?

(He went straight to the middle of town where the parade is currently held…)

(I though Carla-san didn’t personally want to watch the parade… ?)

Carla: — As expected, it is horribly noisy. Is this how a parade is supposed to be?

Yui: …That’s right… it‘s supposed to be something like a festival…

Carla: Hey, what is over there?

Yui: Eh!? Uhh… that’s a stall… it seems that they’re selling fancy candy work there.

Carla: Candy work?

Yui: They make candy in the shape of animals and other things for example, and then they sell them here.

Carla: Oh.

Yui: Carla-san, could it be that this is your first time at a parade like this?

Carla: Yes.

*Carla walks away*

Yui: Ah! P-Please wait… !

(Carla-san, what in the world are you thinking? This isn’t about sightseeing the parade…)

Place: Demon world — Diamante Fountain

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (18)

Carla: Everywhere you look, you can see lots of vampires around.

Yui: That… that can’t really be changed… anyway—

If this place seems so unpleasant to you, why did you decide to come here in the first place?

Carla: There is no need to tell you that. Where I go… is nothing for you to complain about.

*Carla walks away*

Yui: Ah… !

(What was that for just now… ? Since it’s Carla-san, there surely has to be some reason for all this…)

Place:Demon world — Saint Nore Park

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (19)

Carla: — It is even more lively here.

Yui: After all this is the central part with the most attractions of the parade.

Carla: What kinds of things can be done here?

Yui: Um… it’s based on something like an amusem*nt park… there are rides and games too…

Carla: Rides… if you call it like this, is that what it is?

Yui: Hm? Oh… do you mean the track over there?

Carla: Exactly.

Yui: That’s what’s called a roller coaster… It’s like a car running up on the track part of it…

You are experiencing different height and speed possibilities, it’s basically a playground where you should enjoy the thrill.

Carla: Oh… it sounds interesting.

*Carla walks away*

Yui: Eh!? W-Wait… Carla-san!? Where are you going?

Carla: There.

Yui: Eh!?

Carla: It says to get on there.

Yui: (..… !? Over there… he wants to ride the roller coaster…!? Is Carla-san sure?)

Place: Saint Nore Park — Roller coaster

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (20)

Yui: Carla-san!? Are you seriously going to try it?

Carla: Yes.

Vampire Woman C: — No way. Although I was lined up first, these two are going to cut in ahead of me and ignore the order?

Vampire woman A: Unbelievable… ! Even children are waiting in line.

Yui: (Uhh… they are all staring… but Carla-san isn’t going to wait for any of them… there‘s no way he will)

Carla-san! Hold on… Please wait!

Carla: What is it?

Yui: If you seriously want to ride the roller coaster, you have to wait in the line over here.

Carla: …..

Yui: That is… because the roller coaster is one of the most popular attractions in the park…

Since the number of people who can ride this attraction are limited, the line is really important…

Carla: — Line up? Someone like me?

Yui: T-That‘s right… look behind you! Can you see how many people are lined up?

Carla: …..

Yui: (Uh… how scary… ! But the atmosphere was tense here already…)

*children start sobbing*

Vampire Child D: — Waah… T-That old man over there is scary… waaaah… !

Carla: ….. !?

Vampire Child E: Waaaah! Mama!

Vampire Child F: Waaah… !!

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (21)

Yui: Nh!! W-What should we do… !?

(The children are starting to cry one after another… !!)

(Did they get overwhelmed by Carla-san’s aura… ?)

U-Um! Carla-san!?

Carla: — Nh!! Tch…

*Carla walks away*

Yui: Eh!? Where are you going!?

Carla: You already said it yourself… ! I will arrange myself in this column.

Yui: You‘ll line up!?

Carla: Nh… Hmph!!

Yui: (Surpringly… Carla-san really responded to the crying children…)

Carla: — You, is there something you want to say?

Yui: I-I don’t…

Carla: Hmph!

…Thanks… I have been struggling with this. The sound of a child crying, that is it.

Yui: Really… ?

Carla: — Back then, when I was imprisioned in the Banmaden,

The cry of a founders child who lost his parents during Endzeit, was echoing in the castle.

It echoed and it wrapped itself around the entire castle. Ever since then, I have not been good with the crying of children.

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (22)

Yui: Carla-san…

(He has such a traumatizing past… it was bad from me to think of it as surprising…)

(Obviously, is something like this happens to you, you’re not good at handling it…)

Carla: — Hey.

Yui: Y-Yes!?

Carla: It is our turn now.

Yui: Oh! That was really quick. Well then, let’s enjoy the ride!

(— Somehow this is a strange feeling… being on a roller coaster together with Carla-san…)

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (23)

Carla: …..

Yui: (I doubt that Carla-san would scream on the roller coaster like others would…)

(But isn’t being scared the fun part of riding this attraction… ?)

(We had such a hard time while staying in line, I really hope he at least enjoys riding it…)

Place: Saint Nore Park — Roller coaster

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (24)

Yui: Hah… that was fun!

Carla: …Good grief, I can not understand this at all. What exactly was so amusing about it?

Yui: You get to move in a way you’re not used to. It really is interesting…

Carla: Hmph.

*Carla walks away*

Yui: (Hm… did he really not like it… ? Even though we waited in line for so long)

Roller coaster clerk: — Here, we give you a commemorative photo of everyone on the coaster.

How about sharing some memories of the parade?

Yui: (Oh, I guess it’s a photo they took without permission while we were riding the coaster. If so…)

Um, I was on the roller coaster a few minute ago.

Roller coaster clerk: Ah, please wait a moment. And… here it is.

Yui: Thank you!

(This is my first picture with Carla-san together! Huh… I’m making a terrible face. I screamed quite a lot tho… but…)

(Eh… ? Carla-san… ?)

Carla: — You, what are you holding?

Yui: Nn… !!

*Yui hides the picture*

Carla: ….. ? Just now, did you hide something?

Yui: N-No? That was… just some trash I picked up after it fell down.

Carla: Hmph. We did not come to the demon world to pick up trash. We are going back to the castle now.

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (25)

*Carla walks away*

Yui: (That was dangerous. He almost saw the photo… no, I think it would be better if I’d keep it for myself for now)

(I’m sure he would get angry if I showed it to him. Because—)

(He made such a happy face while riding it… I’m sure he wouldn’t want to see it)

Fufu… let’s keep this photo as secret!

*Carla comes back*

Carla: Hey, what are you smiling about?

Yui: Hm, it’s nothing. By the way, Carla-san, would you like to get something cold to eat?

Carla: Something cold?

Yui: Yes. Because there’s an ice cream stand over there…

Carla: I said that we are going to return to the castle now.

Yui: I know. That’s why we can eat it while we walk back… isn’t that okay?

Carla: …..

Yui: (I tried suggesting something like this, but I guess he doesn’t like the idea. Eating around would surely be unusual for Carla-san…)

Carla: Do as you like.

Yui: Nn… Y-Yes! Then please wait here for a moment, okay?

(Seriously, what happened to Carla-san today? Up until now… I thought he didn’t care about the parade?)

Place: Bernstein Castle — Throne room

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (26)

Yui: — Haa, I’m tired… !

Carla: You… did you not just eat ice cream?

Yui: Uh… I-I’m sorry. There were lots of delicious things around that ice cream stall…

Carla: …Haa…

Yui: (It was fun to go to the parade with Carla-san)

Place: Bernstein Castle — Balcony

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (27)

Yui: (Haa… I actually don’t know why, but I somehow really enjoyed the parade today…)

(In the end, I don’t understand Carla-san’s motives about today either… but no matter what his intentions were,)

(He went to the city and even the parade with me… I really want to have more fun with Carla-san like this…)

(My heart… I don’t think we should forget about why we came here in the first place… but—)

(Just a little more… I really want to decide what to do next once the parade will be over…)

(From now on, just a little longer— !)

Carla: Haa… I don’t particularly mind going out for awhile in general.

The intentions of that woman… even if I am not aware of them, I understand them.

— Therefore, I will continue to protect these intentions. Even if it only is for her sake.

Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (28)
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami (Chapter 1) (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.