Manhattan co*cktail Recipe (2024)

in Recipe, Bourbon, Drinks, Vermouth, Whiskey

byPaul Kushner0 Comments

Manhattan co*cktail Recipe (2)

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Every sip of a Manhattan co*cktail brings out the taste and flavor of the drink. It is made with whiskey, sweet vermouth, and a dash of bitters. The balance and richness of the drink make it stand out. As a bartender who has made and served a lot of drinks, Manhattan is one of my favorites because of its long past and ability to bring people together. Manhattan is always a good choice, whether you’re enjoying something special or just taking it easy after a long day.

Tasting Notes

There are a lot of different tastes in the Manhattan drink. With hints of oak and toffee, the whiskey has a strong and warm base. With its herbs and sweet flavors, sweet vermouth makes the drink more interesting. Adding a layer of flavor that is a little spicy and aromatic, the bitters tie everything together. The cherry on top adds a bit of color and sweetness, making the Manhattan not only taste good but also look good.

Glassware and Equipment

You’ll need a mixing glass, a bar spoon, and a strainer to make a Manhattan. The mixing glass is for mixing the ingredients, the bar spoon is for stirring, and the sieve is for straining. A chilled martini glass is the usual way to serve a Manhattan, but you can also get it in a rocks glass if you like yours on the rocks. With these tools and glasses, you can make sure that your Manhattan is made perfectly and served in style.


  • 2 oz. Whiskey (preferably rye for its spicy character)
  • 1 oz. Sweet vermouth
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • Maraschino cherry (for garnish)
See also Top 5 Drinks to Mix With Cookie Dough Whiskey


  1. Fill your mixing glass with ice.
  2. Pour the whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters over the ice.
  3. Stir the mixture gently for about 30 seconds to chill and dilute the drink slightly.
  4. Strain the co*cktail into your chilled martini glass or over fresh ice in a rocks glass.
  5. Garnish with a maraschino cherry.

Pro Tips

  • If you want a smoother Manhattan, stir the drink instead of shaking it. This keeps the drink smooth and clear.
  • Try mixing different kinds of whiskey and vermouth until you get the right mix.
  • To make the drink last longer, chill the glass before you serve it.
  • If you like your Manhattans thinner, you can change the amount of vermouth to suit your tastes.

When to Serve

A Manhattan can be used in many different ways, so it’s great for almost any event. It looks classy enough for a dinner party, a drink after work, or a fun get-together. It’s a hit at co*cktail hours and special events because of its rich flavors and classy appearance.

Which Liquor Brands to Choose

For the whiskey,use a high-quality rye whiskey with spicy and fruity notes. For sweet vermouth, Carpano Antica Formula adds a wonderful complexity and richness.These brands elevate the co*cktail, making your Manhattan stand out.

Similar Drinks

  • Old Fashioned – A classic whiskey co*cktail with sugar, bitters, and a twist of citrus.
  • Negroni – A bold mix of gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari.
  • Rob Roy – Similar to a Manhattan but made with Scotch whisky.
  • Boulevardier – A whiskey-based co*cktail with sweet vermouth and Campari.
  • Whiskey Sour – A refreshing blend of whiskey, lemon juice, and sugar.
See also 4 Must-Try Blanton's Bourbons


Manhattan has a long and interesting past. It is thought to have been created in New York City in the late 1800s. There is some disagreement about where this drink came from, but it quickly became a mainstay in the American co*cktail scene, capturing the sophistication and energy of the city that gives it its name.

Manhattan co*cktail Recipe (3)


Manhattan co*cktail Recipe (4)Paul Kushner

5 from 1 vote

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Total Time 5 minutes mins

Course Drinks

Cuisine American

Servings 1


  • 2 oz. Whiskey preferably rye for its spicy character
  • 1 oz Sweet vermouth
  • 2 dashes of Angostura bitters
  • Maraschino cherry for garnish


  • Fill your mixing glass with ice.

  • Pour the whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters over the ice.

  • Stir the mixture gently for about 30 seconds to chill and dilute the drink slightly.

  • Strain the co*cktail into your chilled martini glass or over fresh ice in a rocks glass.

  • Garnish with a maraschino cherry.

Keyword Manhattan

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Manhattan co*cktail Recipe (5)

Manhattan co*cktail Recipe (6)

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Written by Paul Kushner

Founder and CEO of MyBartender. Graduated from Penn State University. He always had a deep interest in the restaurant and bar industry. His restaurant experience began in 1997 at the age of 14 as a bus boy. By the time he turned 17 he was serving tables, and by 19 he was bartending/bar managing 6-7 nights a week.

In 2012, after a decade and a half of learning all facets of the industry, Paul opened his first restaurant/bar. In 2015, a second location followed, the latter being featured on The Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

Follow them on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Google Guide and MuckRack.

Manhattan co*cktail Recipe (2024)
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