Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (2024)

Showcase your amazing work in the most attractive way! With Flipsnack, you can learn how to create a yearbook that’s both impressive and informative. Simply upload your PDF file or create from scratch. You can then publish it online or download it for print. Try for free.

Design a yearbook

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (1)

How to make a yearbook online

Find out how you can design the perfect yearbook by simply following these steps:

  1. 1. Upload your own PDF or start from scratch

    It’s really easy to create your own yearbook design with Flipsnack. You can either upload your pre-made PDF or you can choose to start from scratch. Regardless of your choice, you’ll surely end up with a gorgeous yearbook to brag about!

  2. 2. Design and edit your yearbook online

    Flipsnack’s drag and drop editor is easy-to-use. You can upload your own childhood or high school photos in order to create a personal yearbook that will forever keep the good memories alive. Feel free to edit your photos as much as you want: you can crop them, apply filters, add some frames or shadows to make them more eye-catching.

  3. 3. Add your own text

    Whether it’s a high school yearbook, family yearbook or company yearbook, the text part is always important when talking about such a photo album. Personalize your own yearbook with some favorite quotes or testimonials. You can also add the date when you took the photos, just to make sure that those memories won’t get lost. Choose the color of your texts and your fonts, align the text exactly as you want and place it wherever on the yearbook’s page.

  4. 4. Save and publish online or print your yearbook design

    Once you’re happy with the final result, it’s time to save your masterpiece. Download your yearbook and share it online with your friends and family, or print it so you can flick through its pages whenever you want. You also have the option to embed it on your website.

Free yearbook templates ready-to-use

Capture the most memorable moments of your life with the help of our dazzling and free yearbook templates. Make your own yearbook online by simply dragging and dropping your photos and playing around with design elements. Be it a high school yearbook, college yearbook or even a company yearbook, you’ll surely find something suitable if you’ll browse through our exciting yearbook templates collection. No matter what you choose, make it an online yearbook to remember!

See our templates

Download and print your yearbook

After you’ve designed an attractive and impressive yearbook it would be such a pity not to print it and share it with your loved ones, don’t you think so? It’s great to remember the good old times together by means of a printed photo album. We advise you to print your yearbook at a professional print shop, so your photos won’t lose their clarity.

Design a yearbook

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (2)

Yearbook cover ideas to get you inspired

Before designing your own yearbook, you should know from the start than an attractive one should definitely have an eye-catching cover. The cover is the first thing someone notices, so make sure it’s something that stands out from the crowd. If you’ve never designed a yearbook cover before and have no idea how to do it, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Feast your eyes over this beautiful collage with yearbook cover ideas created by our talented users.

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (3)

Reasons to choose our yearbook creator

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (4)

Easy sharing

You can easily share your beautiful yearbook on your social media.

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (5)

Website integration

With Flipsnack, it’s very simple to embed your digital yearbook on your website.

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (6)

Page flip effect

Flipsnack’s online yearbook maker gives you the feeling of a genuine photo album.

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (7)


Feel free to download your yearbook as a PDF whenever you want to.

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (8)


For a final result, print it so you can flick through its pages as much as you wish.

Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (9)


Set it public for everyone. Or private, giving access to only those with permission.

Stunning yearbook examples created by our users

It’s always a pleasure for us to publish beautiful yearbook examples that were created by our users with the help of our professional yearbook creator. You can also design something extraordinary just like these, either from an existing PDF file or with our online yearbook maker.

With Flipsnack you can make yearbooks and more

Take advantage of our amazing publishing platform that gives you the possibility to create and publish stunning magazines, catalogs, reports, newspapers, yearbook layouts and many more. Discover its benefits by clicking on the following buttons:

Event programs
Photo albums

Create and download your own yearbook in minutes.

Try our online yearbook maker for free

Design a yearbook

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Online Yearbook Maker. Create & Design a Digital Yearbook. Free to Try! (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 6320

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.