Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce Recipe | (2024)

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This recipe for Scallion Pancake and amazing Ginger-Sesame Soy Dipping Sauce will help you make the restaurant-style flaky and chewy Chinese Scallion Pancakes at home. Serve as an appetizer or snack.

For me, three things make Scallion Pancakes taste just like served in Chinese restaurant.

  1. Flavor of fresh scallions.
  2. Flaky layers and chewy texture of pancakes.
  3. Irresistible Sesame-Soy Ginger Dipping Sauce served with pancakes.

Good news is - I'm sharing today all secrets to make pancakes which have all three qualities listed above. Pretty much everything you need to know to make THE perfect Scallion Pancakes.

Let's learn to make some and serve something different for your family gathering.

Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce Recipe | (1)


Scallion or Green Onion Pancake is signature appetizer on every Asian restaurant's menu. The seasoned wheat flour dough is layered with green onions and rolled to make 6-7 inch flat bread. Flat bread is then shallow pan fried in cooking oil until both sides are crispy. The resulting pancakes resembles cooked stuffed tortilla and have buttery layered texture somewhat like a cooked puff pastry. The flavor fresh stuffed green onions can't be missed.

When hot pancakes are dipped in sharp dipping sauce... a flavor explosion happens! I highly recommend trying this recipe once. It will be repeat offender for sure.

Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce Recipe | (2)


The dipping sauce recipe for scallion pancakes is ginger-sesame soy dipping sauce. It has sharp and delicious ginger-sesame soy flavor with lite flavor of scallions. It is easy to prepare and a versatile condiment.It is perfect to serve as Dipping Sauce with Scallion Pancakes, or Chinese Dumplings, or Spring Rolls. It is also a great marinade to make Ginger-Sesame Grilled Chicken.

To make dipping sauce for Scallion Pancakes, I add all ingredients for dipping sauce: grated ginger, sesame oil, sugar, rice vinegar, soy sauce in a small bowl. Whisk to mix sugar with oil and soy sauce. Then mix in sesame seeds and scallion. This simple recipe has sharp and delicious ginger-sesame flavor.

This Dipping Sauce keeps good in refrigerator for up-to 1 month. If serving later, I recommend to mix-in fresh chopped scallions just before serving.

Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce Recipe | (3)


To make perfect scallion pancakes, first step is to get dough right. Dough for Scallion Pancakes is called Hot Water Dough. It is made making dough of wheat flour with oil, seasoning and hot water. Hot water gives pancakes signature chewy texture. Fat (oil or butter) helps in flaky cooked Pancakes.

To make the dough, in food processor, or wide bowl, add flour, butter or oil, salt, and minced garlic. Start with adding 1/2 cup of hot water. Pulse to mix water with flour. (Mix with wooden spoon if using bowl.) Add a tbsp more until dough comes together. No more than 4 tbsp of water. Dough should not be very wet or sticky.

Once dough has formed, letting it rest makes it soft and easy to work with. The resulting pancakes are soft, flaky with perfect lite chewy texture. Simply irresistible with Soy dipping Sauce.


This is very important step in getting signature multiple flaky layers in pancake. The rested dough is flattened, brushed with oil, layered with minced scallions and rolled like a log, then spiraled and flattened again. This creates multiple layers of oil layered dough.When cooked, layers separate to flaky crispy layers of pancakes just like a puff pastry.

Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce Recipe | (4)

Once ready, I slice pancakes into triangles just like you would slice pizza. Serve still warm Scallion Pancakes with dipping sauce and have a Chinese Restaurant made-at-home.

I hope these pancakes will make to your next family gathering. Pancake Dough stays good in refrigerator up-to 2-3 days and dipping sauce stays good for up-to 1 month. So, you can make dough and dipping sauce ahead of time. Just roll and cook pancakes when planning to serve.


Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce

Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce Recipe | (5)

Total Time: Prep Time: Cook Time: Cuisine: Asian () Difficulty: Easy

Yields: 8 Servings - Serves: 8

(No. of servings depends on serving size.)


Pancake Hot Water Dough

Dipping Sauce


  • 1. Assemble Dough:In food processor, or wide bowl, add flour, butter, salt, and minced garlic. Start with adding 1/2 cup hot water. Pulse food processor to mix water with flour. (Mix with wooden spoon if using bowl.) Add a tbsp more until dough comes together. No more than 4 tbsp water. Dough should not be very wet or sticky.
  • 2. Knead Dough:Take dough out of work board dusted with flour. Knead for 1-2 minute. this step makes dough pliable, and soft. Cover and set aside to rest for 20-30 minutes.
  • 3. Make Dipping Sauce:Dipping Sauce: While dough rest, prepare dipping sauce. In a small bowl, add all ingredients listed for dipping sauce except sesame seeds and scallion. Stir will to make sure sugar is dissolved. Mix in scallions. Top with sesame seeds. Set aside.
  • 4. Divide and Roll Dough:To make pancakes, divide resting dough into 3 equal portions. Cover two portion with towel, take one work board dusted with flour. Roll it to 9-10 inch wide circle. (use dusting of flour as or when needed) Brush rolled circle with coat of cooking oil. Make sure to cover fully including edges and center.
  • 5. Stuff Scallions :Sprinkle chopped scallions on top distributing evenly. Starting from one side, roll it tight to make a log/roll cigar. Coil the log in a spiral. Tuck loose end under the spiral. Press gently to flatten it.
  • 6. Roll Scallion Pancakes:Dust in flour and roll gently to a 4-5 inch wide circle. Dust with flour as or when dough appears sticky. Repeat steps 3-6 to roll all pancakes. Cover rolled pancakes with dry kitchen towel.
  • 7. Cook Pancakes:Heat a heavy bottom skillet. Add tsp oil at a time, add pancake and cook until brown spots appear all over. (Need at east 1 tsp oil each side) Additional Notes:Don't skimp too much on oil or pan cake will look like dry flat bread.
  • 8. Garnish and Serve:Brush hot butter on cooked scallion pancakes. Slice in triangles. Serve with dipping sauce. Enjoy!


© Chef De Home. Post content including video and photos are copyright protected.

Scallion Pancake with Ginger Dipping Sauce Recipe | (2024)


What to add to scallion pancake? ›

In Taiwan, scallion pancakes are commonly rolled up with a fried egg, or braised beef shank, cilantro, and peanuts.

Why are my scallion pancakes tough? ›

It's not okay: To use hot water because it'll make the dough tougher. To not rest the dough in Step 1 because it'll make the dough harder to roll. To skip the slamming in Step 5 because the pancake will be dense rather than fluffy.

How long to cook Trader Joe's scallion pancakes? ›

Spray a pan lightly over medium heat. Add frozen scallion pancake. Let it cook on one 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Flip to the other side and quickly remove from the pan.

What is a fun fact about scallion pancakes? ›

Here's a fun fact about the scallion pancake: according to legend, Marco Polo loved these pancakes. When he returned home to Italy, he had some chefs make a different type of pancake so he could have some more. But what he got was the ancestor of another dish we all know and love her in modern day America: pizza.

What can you add to pancake mix for more flavor? ›

You can add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and about 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon directly to the batter and cook as directed. Or you can make a cinnamon filling to swirl into your pancake as it cooks. For this method, mix brown sugar, cinnamon, and melted butter together.

How do you make pancakes less rubbery? ›

Over-mixing pancake batter develops the gluten that will make the pancakes rubbery and tough. For light, fluffy pancakes, you want to mix just until the batter comes together—it's okay if there are still some lumps of flour. Fat (melted butter) makes the pancakes rich and moist.

How do you keep pancakes Fluffy? ›

5 Tips for Fluffier Pancakes
  1. Allow the Batter to Rest. A good rule of thumb when you're wondering how to make fluffy pancakes is to let the batter rest. ...
  2. Beat the Egg Whites. Separate your yolk from the egg white then beat to create a fluffy pancake. ...
  3. Don't Over Mix! ...
  4. Wait for the Bubbles. ...
  5. Follow a Good Recipe.
Dec 1, 2019

What is a scallion pancake made of? ›

To make the pancakes, all you need are four basic ingredients: flour, hot (boiling) water, scallions, and salt. READ MORE: The hot water makes the pancakes easier to flatten, especially during the first rollout.

Why are scallion pancakes so good? ›

It's not as complicated as it sounds, and all the layers of oil create a laminated dough that retains the layers after it's been cooked. If youve never had a chewy, crispy, flaky scallion pancake, you owe it to yourself to find a place that does them justice, and order up a plateful of them.

How to eat scallion pancakes for breakfast? ›

Place the scallion pancake on top (the golden brown side facing down. Once the eggs have set, flip to the other side and add toppings. Let cook for 1-2 minutes then slide it onto a plate. Let cool a bit, cut in half and enjoy!

What ethnicity are scallion pancakes? ›

Scallion pancakes have long been part of the culture in China and Taiwan, where the flatbreads are commonly eaten as a street food snack.

Who invented scallion pancakes? ›

Many believe Cong You Bing originated in Shanghai, where many Indians had once lived. This makes sense due to the scallion pancake's similarity to Indian naan bread.

What are other names for scallion pancakes? ›

A scallion pancake, also known as a green onion pancake or spring onion pancake is a kind of pancake made with scallions. It is usually chewy, flaky, and savory. Examples include: Cōng yóu bǐng, a Chinese pancake made with scallions.

What do scallions go well with? ›

All Scallions Recipes
  • Cold Noodle Pork Bowls with Almond-Sesame Date Sauce. ...
  • Spinach, Scallion Buckwheat Pancakes. ...
  • Ginger-Miso Squash & Bok Choy Soup. ...
  • Spicy Pork Bowls with Bok Choy & Broccoli. ...
  • Carrot Salad with Green Onions, Parsley & Hazelnuts. ...
  • Collard Greens Summer Slaw with Soy-Sesame Dressing.

What can you add to pancake mix reddit? ›

So I added ground flax and chia seeds (both relatively inexpensive, nutrient dense and versatile so I keep them around), plus some unsweetened shredded coconut, and rolled oats. They turned out so good and felt a lot more filling than a traditional pancake.

What do you eat Taiwanese green onion pancakes with? ›

Habitually in Taiwan however, flaky scallion pancake is served with fried egg and optional toppings such as basil, ham, bacon, cabbage or cheese as well as additional species such as soy sauce, pepper and hot sauce.

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