Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (2024)

A tiny home should not be confused for regular small houses. There are specific requirements that a home must meet for it to be considered tiny; namely, it must be no taller than 4.3 metres (from the ground to the roof) and no wider than 2.5 metres. Generally, a tiny house is any dwelling with a less than 37 SQM of floor space, although some may argue that a tiny house can actually be anything under 50 SQM.

Tiny homes have been booming in popularity over recent years. More than 8,000 people flooded to the Tiny Homes Festival in Sydney 2020 to have a look at the available houses and the tiny various intelligent tiny house designs. For one thing, tiny houses are an extremely efficient and ergonomic choice. If you can comfortably live in a tiny house, the amount of money that you will save in the initial purchase and the long term – particularly heating, cooling and electricity costs – will be substantial.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (1)

However, there aren’t as many people actually purchasing tiny houses as you might expect from the trends. In fact, the rate of tiny home purchases has not increased in a number of years. This is likely due to a number of factors, not the least being the unaffordability of housing in today’s economic climate.

Measuring by the square meter, tiny homes can actually cost more than regular houses. But the public’s aversion to making the commitment seems to come from a more ideological place; it takes a special type of person to be content living in a small space like this day in and day out. If you are considering purchasing a tiny home, you should definitely do some reflection beforehand to make sure that a cramped living space like this will not wear down on you in the long term.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (2)

This is part of the reason that tiny homes have become so popular as temporary housing measures for Airbnb and the like. A tiny holiday house provides all of the novelty of living in an efficient, streamlined home without the commitment or risk of tedium. Tiny homes on Airbnb are also where some of the most creative interior design choices for tiny interior décor have emerged, as homeowners and stylists discover how to use the small space to their advantage.

There are a few different strategies that you can employ when it comes to decorating a tiny home. The first is minimization; figuring out how to make the absolute most of hidden storage and space smart furniture with the goal of maximizing your floor space. This can help with particularly small interiors as it will create negative space and make the room feel larger than it is.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (3)

Another strategy, and one which is only just starting to emerge, is the maximization of elements within a home – packing the room full of cozy furniture and treasured trinkets may make it seem crowded, but it also has a certain comfortable chic to it that makes the space feel truly lived in. To help you get started on your tiny home interior design endeavor, here are four of the best design ideas for tiny home interiors.

Tiny Houses Interiors: The Four Best Styles for Tiny House Interior Design

4. Sanctuary Tiny Home – Handcrafted Movement

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (4)

This tiny home interior is a gorgeous example of how less space does not always mean sacrifice. A beautiful mix of industrial bronze and vintage blue tones, this tiny home has elegance and personality. At 31 x 8.5 ft, this home is on the larger end of the spectrum for tiny houses, but it certainly makes the most of every inch.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (5)

With a downstairs bedroom, an upper sleeping loft, a kitchen and a bathroom, this house truly has everything you could possibly want in a small home. For more information, browse the image gallery here for a virtual tour around this tiny home. This project cost approximately $125,000 and you can contact Handcrafted Movement here to request an exact quote/build date.

3. The Bradbury Project

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (6)

This is a remarkable tiny home interior with a clever design that warms a white colour scheme with simple wooden accents. These accents also provide a clear division between upstairs and downstairs sections, helping to make the house feel as large as any other whilst still keeping things bright and well lit. Mixing textures and finishes creates a beautiful dynamic that can’t help but draw the eye.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (7)

For those looking to recreate something like this at home, we suggest researching wall tiles and wooden accents in your local area and forming a design unique to you. You can read more about the DIY process of the Bradbury Project here on the official Instagram, where they also post regular updates about changes to the design.

2. The BoHo – Box Hop

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (8)

The BoHo Box Hop is a tiny Airbnb home in nestled in the woods of Ohio, USA. It was designed from two shipping containers and everything about this interior screams cozy. This home was made with a focus on efficient design and is packed with creature comforts to make each traveler’s stay the most pleasant experience possible.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (9)

Now, the home itself may be tiny, but the area is not. Set on an 18.5 acre property, this home boasts a large exterior deck complete with an outdoor hot tub, fire, and gas grill. A small home in a big space makes a statement about the overindulgence of modern life and boasts a return to nature.

If you have the means to attempt something like this, it is sure not to go astray. You can stay at the BoHo Box Hop for approximately $500 per night.

1. The Lila – Tiny House

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (10)

This dwelling is actually a tiny house on wheels. A home like this is the perfect way to travel in style – you get to see the greatest views in your country all from the comfort of your own home.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (11)

The interior of this home is truly the star, taking heavy inspiration from rustic design with dark wooden trims and accents.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (12)

This home is 296 SQF with one bed and one bath, and you can actually purchase this exact model here for as low as $89,999.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (13)

For more information about the many benefits of a tiny home on wheels, see here.

Tiny House Interiors: Top 4 Interior Design Ideas for a Tiny Home (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.