Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (2024)

If businesses understand one thing, it’s the power of information. After all, information can tell you virtually everything you need to know about your company. You can target audience demographics and gain valuable insight at a granular level.

Connect these data sources with mapping software like Maptive; you’ve created a fully integrated experience. Maptive combines the power of data visualization datasets with imported consumer data to create a powerful application for the company or business owner wanting more.


Data is critical to your business and mapping your business data alone may not be enough.

By adding data from free public data sets to your own business location data, you can gain new insights, make better decisions, and mitigate risks to your business. With Maptive you can quickly and easily upload datasets directly to our mapping software and start seeing your business in a new light.

How do datasets help your business?

Data breaks down generic content into useable pieces of information. It paints a picture of your business and your current customer audience.

Using public data sets can add critical components to your content, improving customer understanding overall. These datasets incorporate every component of your sales funnel – from customers in different parts of the sales process to critical demographic details.

It streamlines your consumer approach into a robust and targeted focus. The more information you know of your customers or competitors, the more likely your business will succeed overall.

What more could a business ask for?

In this article, we’re going to share our list of the best free data sources online for map data visualization and how you can integrate them into your Maptive maps.

What are GIS data sources?

Free GIS data sources are comprehensive sets of data that contain location data such as addresses, latitude and longitude coordinates, zip codes & postal codes. With analysis, companies can use these additional data sources to home in on business strategy, identify answers to questions, or implement new sales, marketing, or product development strategies.

The data types will vary, depending on what you’re hoping to achieve. With the reliance on the internet comes a host of valuable information if you know where to find them. Open data initiatives keep free data sources accessible to businesses of all sizes.

As we continue to push more information through than ever before, information is everywhere. When it comes to free GIS data sources, the options are endless.

But don’t panic.

We’ve put together a list of reputable, high-quality data sources designed to help your business skyrocket your analysis efforts.

To get you started, here are 12 free GIS data sources:

1. Data.Gov

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (1)

The government made all data publicly available in 2015, with nearly 200,000 datasets available. You’ll be able to unearth crime rates to climate change and everything in between. The platform is exceptionally user-friendly, with plenty of search options available. If you’re looking for general data on the US population, consider the US Census Bureau.For current Maptive users, US demographics come built into the software.

2. Canadian GIS

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (2)

This GIS service holds government data sets from countless industries. Users can access business locations, restaurant details, and more compiled into easily accessible content. From education programs to open data portals, it’s the go-to resource for Canadian geomatic communities. Assisting Canadians since 2005, this platform has comprehensive information available free of charge.

3. GeoPlatform

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (3)

As a cross-agency collaborative effort, GeoPlatform facilitates government-to-citizen communication and transparency. Under the authority of the Geospatial Data Act of 2018, users can find authoritative geographically enriched data. Data sets include geological datasets, major ports, and mineral exploration sites. In fact, you’ll find over 92,000 different datasets available for download.

4. Global Health Observatory Data Repository

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (4)

The Global Health Observation data repository is home to comprehensive health statistics worldwide. It harvests the UN WHO’s content, focusing on healthcare industry datasets. You’ll find everything from vaccination rates, malaria, and antimicrobial resistance. The portal includes a preview functionality, giving users the option to see data tables before downloading them.

5. Terra Populus

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (5)

Integrating census data from over 160 countries, this portal connects individuals with nearly six decades worth of insight. You can aggregate data for more than 80 different countries, including spatial and temporal changes. These changes highlight the human-environment shift across geographic space. It’s ideal for anyone wanting to identify temporal data within a user-friendly interface.

6. Esri Open Data Hub

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (6)

The largest commercial GIS organization manages the website in the world. Known as the hidden gold mine of free GIS data, it houses over 250,000 available data sets from at least 5,000 organizations. The search offers a convenient map preview with location or topic capabilities. Download formats are available as shapefile, KML, or spreadsheet.

7. Natural Earth Data

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (7)

This data set is ideal for most cartographers looking for global physical vector and cultural GIS datasets. These datasets offer relief for maps and are available in the public domain. You’ll be able to modify, use, or disseminate data in whatever manner you’d like.

8. Google Dataset Search

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (8)

Initially launched in 2018, Google Dataset Search brings standard search engine functionality but strictly for data. You’ll be able to search for a specific topic or keyword, aggregating data from external sources. As users continue to turn to Google for directions, search functions, or online search, it seems individuals should add data to the list too.

9. USGS Earth Explorer

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (9)

This platform brings a user-friendly interface that makes remote sensing data effortless. Registration is free, combining global satellite imagery with a simplified filter function. You’ll be able to download multiple data sets simultaneously, too, thanks to their bulk download application.

10. Kaggle

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (10)

Like Google Dataset Search, Kaggle brings aggregated datasets thanks to a community hub. Initially launched in 2010, users can access the data platform completely free. Business owners will find plenty of different datasets through the platform covering almost any topic you can think of. You’ll discover cloud-based collaboration, data analysis techniques, and educational tools for teaching artificial intelligence.

11. NASA’s Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (11)

If you’re looking for GIS data that highlights human interactions with the environment, SEDAC has a variety of coarse global free GIS data. The flagship product is a gridded population of the world, complete with over 800 citations for accuracy. These population details include demographic components like education, density, and age.

12. Statistic Brain Research Institute

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (12)

This platform holds over 500,000 unique data sets, available in raw form. The website is currently used by over 3 million people every month, making it a dominating force in the dataset realm. Although this website does charge a fee, the reliability and authority earn it an honorable mention across the GIS data sources.

Conclusion: GIS Data Sets Brings a Competitive Edge to Your Business

Building GIS datasets into your mapping software is essential if you’re truly looking to understand your clients. Maptive helps business owners, just like you, develop interactive maps, complete with demographics and opportunities. Mapping software helps build consumer awareness by formulating applicable demographic data. You’ll simultaneously connect your business to hidden opportunities and experiences.

In other words, data sources connect you with what matters most – your customers.

Interested in giving Maptive a try? Signup for a 10-day risk-free trial – No credit card required.

Top 12 Sources for Free Data Sets for Data Visualization | Maptive (2024)


How can I visualize data for free? ›

Microsoft Power BI

The platform makes it so easy to visualize your data. Microsoft Power BI's free plan allows users to connect with more than 70 data sources and create rich and interactive reports at the tip of their fingers.

Which dataset is best for data visualization? ›

Ultimate List of the Best Tableau Datasets for Practicing Data Visualization
  • Superstore.
  • World Bank Development Indicators.
  • Airbnb Listings.
  • Flight Delays and Cancellations.
  • Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster.
  • COVID-19.
  • Spotify Tracks DB.
  • 120 Years of Olympic History: Athletes and Results.
Mar 12, 2023

Where can I find large datasets open to the public? ›

Recommended sources for large datasets
  • Google Public Data Directory.
  • Open Government Data.
  • US Census Data.
  • World Bank Open Data.
  • Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection.
  • Kaggle Public Datasets.
  • Open Data Network.
  • European Union Open Data.
Feb 15, 2024

How to get free data for analysis? ›

Prepare to geek out, and here we go:
  1. Google Dataset Search. Type of data: Miscellaneous. ...
  2. Kaggle. Type of data: Miscellaneous. ...
  3. Data.Gov. Type of data: Government. ...
  4. Type of data: Mostly business and finance. ...
  5. UCI Machine Learning Repository. ...
  6. Earth Data. ...
  7. CERN Open Data Portal. ...
  8. Global Health Observatory Data Repository.
Nov 9, 2023

Can I use Tableau for free? ›

Interact with public vizzes from around the world

Tableau Public is a free platform to explore, create, and publicly share data visualizations online.

Is Tableau data visualization free? ›

Tableau Public is a free platform to explore, create and publicly share data visualizations online. With the largest repository of data visualizations in the world to learn from, Tableau Public makes developing data skills easy.

Which library is most used for data visualization? ›

Which library is most used for data visualization? Matplotlib is one of the most popular and highly used Python library for visualizing data.

What is the most widely used data visualization tool? ›

Some of the best data visualization tools include Google Charts, Tableau, Grafana, Chartist, FusionCharts, Datawrapper, Infogram, and ChartBlocks etc.

How to get sample data for Tableau? ›

In the Connect pane, under Saved Data Sources, click Sample - Superstore to connect to the sample data set. The Sample - Superstore data set comes with Tableau. It contains information about products, sales, profits, and so on that you can use to identify key areas for improvement within this fictitious company.

Where can I find free Excel data sets? ›

A few free government datasets we recommend:
  • Data and Statistics.
  • Federal Reserve Data.
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • California Open Data Portal.
  • New York Open Data.
  • NOAA Data Access (mostly via API)
  • NASA Open Data Portal.

Is Kaggle free? ›

Is Kaggle Free? Yes, it is, and that is one reason Kaggle is so popular among users. Its comprehensive resources, such as public datasets, forums, competitions and the freedom to exchange datasets and code, are all available without any financial commitments.

Is Kaggle trustworthy? ›

This platform is trusted by some of the largest Data Science companies in the world, such as Walmart or Facebook. The platform allows data scientists and other developers to participate in machine learning contests or data challenges, write and share code, and host datasets.

How do I create a free data visualization? ›

Visualize Free is a free cloud-hosted, zero-client app for data visualization and analytics. It is a derivative of the commercial platform for dashboard, reporting and data mashup developed by InetSoft. Simply upload your spreadsheet data and drag-and-drop to create visualization dashboards with built-in interactivity.

Is Kaggle owned by Google? ›

A subsidiary of Google, it is an online community of data scientists and machine learning engineers. Kaggle allows users to find datasets they want to use in building AI models, publish datasets, work with other data scientists and machine learning engineers, and enter competitions to solve data science challenges.

Is Kaggle worth it? ›

Kaggle is an amazing platform for people to test themselves, throw themselves in the deep end and come face to face with the reality of their skillset. Many people have built projects on the Kaggle platform, having access to a variety of datasets, with great resources such as free access to NVIDIA K80 GPUs in kernels.

Is visualize AI free? ›

Our services are available on a free or paid plan. The free plan allows you to visualize ideas, but all ideas created on the free plan will be public. The paid plan allows you to keep your ideas private.

Can Excel visualize data? ›

Data visualization can be done in various data visualization excel charts & graphs. Data visualization can also be done by data visualization using excel templates. Excel has charts of many kinds, including column charts, bar charts, pie charts, line charts, area charts, scatter charts, surface charts, and many more.

What program would you use to visualize data? ›

Some of the best data visualization tools include Google Charts, Tableau, Grafana, Chartist, FusionCharts, Datawrapper, Infogram, and ChartBlocks etc. These tools support a variety of visual styles, be simple and easy to use, and be capable of handling a large volume of data.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.