You'll spend a lot of your time at home in your kitchen, so it's important to enjoy the look and feel of your space. Sometimes, in order to love your kitchen, you need to do a little cosmetic updating. Researching current kitchen design trends is a great way to inspire you and modernize your design. Whether you're looking to completely renovate your kitchen, or you just want to make a couple of updates, these current trends can help you revitalize your space.


In 2023 we're seeing the kitchen design trends shift away from neutral, classic looks to new, adventurous styles. From mixing vintage and modern pieces to colorful cabinetry, these trends show you there are no rules when designing your kitchen. Read our list of trends below and find one that inspires you!


Neutrals will always be in style, but we're seeing an increase in demand for colorful kitchens in 2023. Don't worry, these trending colors aren't too bold. Shades of green, like sage and mint, are increasingly popular cabinet colors, as well as royal and baby blues. These colors are ideal for adding a calming, inviting feel to your kitchen area. Since kitchen cabinet doors can easily be replaced or repainted, try one of these colors on your cabinets to update your space.

If you are looking for a bolder color option, these other cabinet colors are also in style:

  • Black
  • Charcoal
  • Red
  • Reddish-pink natural clay colors
  • Deep green


Slab doors are a popular way to incorporate the colors mentioned above. A slab cabinet door is a flat panel that provides a sleek, modern look. These cabinet doors are minimalistic but can be modified with paint and hardware to match more vibrant, maximalist styles.

Therefore, wood slab cabinet doors are a popular option this year because they provide the perfect canvas for trending paint colors. The smooth, flat surface makes these cabinet doors easy to paint, and its sleek design keeps the color looking classy. Painting a more designed door may make your kitchen design too loud and overwhelming.


Beadboard cabinet doors are the type of doors you would want to avoid painting as mentioned above. These cabinet doors have a recessed center panel made of vertical slats with groves in between each slat. This gives beadboard cabinet doors a lot of texture that can become overwhelming if the painting is not executed properly.

Instead, use beadboard cabinet doors with a natural wood finish to create a vintage feel in your kitchen. Vintage and antique styles are one of the latest trends in kitchen cabinetry. Homeowners are starting to beautifully blend vintage design elements with modern pieces to create a beautiful, nostalgic-feeling kitchen.



A well-loved, class option, Shaker-style cabinets will remain a top kitchen design trend in 2023. Shaker-style cabinet doors are known for their recessed center panel and clean lines. These doors are so versatile they work with various design styles, from traditional to modern.

This means, if you're looking to update your kitchen's current look to be more trendy, you can replace your current cabinet doors with Shaker-style doors. You don't need to replace your cabinetry entirely, just purchase Shaker cabinet doors and watch how your kitchen transforms. Shaker cabinets have been a staple in the kitchen design world, so you can feel good knowing you're investing in a look that will stay trendy for years to come.


While open shelving for kitchens is still trending relatively strong, homeowners are starting to notice the high-maintenance aspect of the design. So, if you're someone who loves the look of open shelving, but wants a more low-maintenance option, this is a kitchen trend worth trying.

Mullion cabinet doors are framed glass doors that allow you to show off your kitchenware without dealing with the high upkeep open shelving requires. Mullion kitchen cabinet doors come in a variety of different colors, styles and finishes, which make them easy to incorporate into a variety of design styles. Beautiful dinnerware and kitchen appliances can add decor and style to your kitchen, so these glass doors allow you to display these items while keeping them protected within the cabinet.

Stained glass cabinet doors are a specific type of mullion door that is trending. Stained glass windows bring a touch of elegance and color to the kitchen without being overwhelming. Stained glass cabinet doors also fall into the trending vintage design we mentioned earlier, making these a standout kitchen cabinet door trend for 2023.


Another effective and easy way to create a trendy kitchen is by replacing your current standard cabinet hardware with unique and decorative hardware. Think of your cabinet hardware as jewelry for your kitchen. Get as unique as you would like to add a personal touch to your kitchen. Choose from geometric-shaped knobs or novelty pulls.

If you like the shape or style of your cabinet hardware, consider adding a fresh touch to your space by mixing materials and metals. Again, mixing different materials is another way to include vintage elements into your space. Copper and brushed brass are currently popular hardware options. Mixing these metals with gold and silver gives your kitchen character and a unique look.


Both colorful cabinets and natural wood finishes are trending. The choice ultimately comes down to personal preference for the look you enjoy more. Natural finishes on cabinetry provide a rustic look and pair well with many kitchen aesthetics. There is also an emphasis on warm wood finishes in 2023 because it creates an inviting and comforting space for both you and your guests.

If you're looking to make your kitchen trendy, but can't quite commit to painting your cabinet doors or changing up your cabinet door style, adding touches of natural wood pieces throughout your kitchen is a good start to modernizing your current design.


It's clear to see cabinets are playing a huge role in kitchen design trends in 2023. From style to color and hardware, replacing your old cabinets is a great way to modernize your kitchen and incorporate these popular trends.

When you're ready for new cabinet doors, reach out to our experienced team at Cabinet Doors ‘N’ More to explore our cabinet door replacement options. Each of our cabinet doors are made-to-order, so you can get the perfect fit for even the most uniquely shaped cabinets.

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What is the trend in the kitchen in 2023? ›

Pinterest predicts that a major trend in 2023 will be finding “new ways to honor old stuff” in the home. The kitchen and its adjacent spaces will be a backdrop for bringing vintage and hand-me-down pieces, from buffet cabinets to dinnerware to wall decor, into more contemporary homes.

What to put on top of kitchen cabinets 2023? ›

You can use the cabinet tops to display decorative items that showcase your personality and style. If you have space between your cabinets and the ceiling, you can decorate the top of the kitchen cabinets with vases, baskets, books, and more! I love our all white kitchen in our new home!

Are Shaker cabinets going out of style 2023? ›

Shaker cabinet doors are just about everywhere you look and they are not going anywhere. Shaker cabinets are one of the most well-known and recognizable cabinet door designs on the market.

What's in and out for kitchens 2023? ›

Insider asked interior designers about the kitchen trends you should expect to see in 2023. Backless stoves, open-concept designs, and darker hues are gaining popularity. Granite, gray cabinetry, and open shelving are on their way out.

What are the top countertops for 2023? ›

One of the hottest kitchen trends for 2023 is the use of natural materials such as marble countertops and quartzite countertops. These surfaces don't just ooze luxury but also bring a unique texture to the kitchen countertop, making your kitchen island a focal point.

What is the most popular kitchen countertop for 2023? ›

Quartz has been the most popular kitchen countertop material for several years, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. This popularity is largely due to its durability, which ensures quartz will withstand everyday wear and last a long time.

What is the number one color cabinet for 2023? ›

The most popular kitchen colors for 2023 are white, navy blue, green (especially dark green), greys, and even black.

What is the most popular color cabinets for 2023? ›

In 2023, some of the trending colors for kitchen cabinets might include: Neutral Tones: Neutral colors such as white, beige, gray, and greige (a combination of gray and beige) continue to be popular choices for kitchen cabinets.

What is a timeless look for kitchen cabinets? ›

Natural Wood Cabinets

Wood cabinets provide a warm and timeless look, making them a popular choice among homeowners. They pair exceptionally well with wood floors and you can go for a natural tone, or opt for a white oak kitchen to achieve a lighter look.

How to decorate your kitchen in 2023? ›

Cue kitchens drenched in full-fat happy hues, peppy prints displayed with irreverent abandon—even flooring that upends the pieties of Design 101 (can there be too much of a good thing?). Think yellow lacquered kitchen cabinets, flamboyant pendants, and geometric mosaics.

What is the current trend in kitchen cabinets? ›


These design updates are giving way to trends in glass-fronted cabinetry and open shelving. “This design choice is partly driven by a desire to display beautiful kitchenware but also to create a sense of openness and airiness in the kitchen,” Brophy says.

What is the most popular cabinet style in 2024? ›

The Best Kitchen Cabinet Trends To Follow in 2024:
  • Gold, Silver, and Metallic Hardware. ...
  • Mixed Color Kitchen Cabinets. ...
  • Frameless Cabinet Styles. ...
  • Stained Wood Cabinets. ...
  • Matte Finish Kitchen Cabinets. ...
  • White Cabinets. ...
  • Bold Color Combinations. ...
  • No Upper Cabinets.

What are the most popular kitchen cabinets in 2024? ›

Looking ahead into 2024, shaker cabinets still remain the most popular, but that isn't the only option. Flat-panel and inset styles are also making headlines. You can also mix-and-match styles for a truly custom look.

Are wood cabinets coming back 2023? ›

Natural wood came back in a big way in 2022 and the trend continues into 2023. Forgo the wood veneer manufactured cabinets and choose solid wood, however.

What is the new kitchen cabinet color for 2023? ›

Designers think that it's easy to see why blue is taking over as the kitchen cabinet color of choice. Janel Laza, senior designer at FORM Kitchens, loves the shade for kitchens and advises picking a blue you are drawn to, works well with your home's aesthetic, and complements your color scheme.

What color kitchen appliances are in style 2023? ›

Subdued choices, such as deep charcoal, farmhouse red and navy blue, along with bolder and brighter colors (fuschia, turquoise, bright green) are being chosen by homeowners ready to inject personality in their space. These choices when paired with contrasting hardware make for a very striking and unique space.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.