Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (2024)

Calling all earth, air, water and fire signs (yep, that’s all of you)! Which Italian city matches your energy?


The first sign of the zodiac, these rams love to be number one and aren’t afraid to dive into challenging situations–no matter how hard they may be. The same is true of MATERA, a city dug into a rocky outcrop in Basilicata, whose challenges are (quite literally) as hard as stone. Annoyed by excessive details and needless nuances, Aries would love the intense primality of Matera, where, until 1952, many residents lived in the Sassi, a network of cave dwellings carved into the mountainside of the ravine on one side of the city. Aries are intensely energetic, sporty, and quite impulsive (they think after they leap) and would have a field day exploring and running around the bridges, caves, and endless hiking paths of the Murgia Materana Park. And in navigating this intense landscape, Aries’ innate sense of leadership and ambition would be much appreciated. The scorching heat of this region of Italy also matches that of Aries’ tempers: although their fiery outbursts don’t last long, it’s best to avoid them until they’ve chilled out (the zodiac sign is named after the Roman god of war after all).

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (1)


Although the perfect day for a Taurus, the bulls of the zodiac, would be spent cozied up in bed with a good movie and cup of tea, Taureans know how to roll up their sleeves. “Work hard, play easy,” could be their motto. Ambitious, focused, and stubborn, these earth signs love stability and security and know how to appreciate the moment with a glass of red. It may come as no surprise that TURIN, whose name (in Italian, Torino) literally translates to “little bull”, is the city of the Taurus. A well-kept city that has never relied on the whims of tourism, the capital of Piedmont is close to the region’s bucolic hills of wine country and has a robust cinematic history (the National Museum of Cinema, located in the skyline-making Mole Antonelliana tower, is a must!)–perfect for those snug movie nights… or days.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (2)


Geminis have big personalities. Often because they have two. Sicily’s second-largest city, CATANIA, perfectly reflects the zodiac twins’ spirit. The Gemini duality is often mistaken for a two-faced nature, but although one of the Gemini’s twins is social, kind, and positive, and the other is cold and detached, these air signs almost never have hidden agendas. Catania, likewise, has two sides–one of immense Baroque beauty and another of grunge and grit. But it’s exactly this undercurrent of scruffiness and darkness that makes both Geminis and Catania fascinating. It would be remiss to speak of Catania without mentioning Mount Etna, the fiery, active volcano just 30km from the city. As Catanians never know when ash might rain down upon them, they really know how to live in the moment, just like playful Geminis who don’t let a moment go to waste, jumping from happy hours to birthday parties to beach clubs. Because of this predisposition, the twins love variety, and Catania, a city that has been ruled by many different cultures over the centuries (Greek, Spanish, Arab, Norman, and more), contains a diversity and dynamism in which Geminis would easily thrive. Geminis are very physically expressive, especially with their emotions: these chatty twins are known for talking with their hands,and although all of Italy is known for its gestures, the Sicilian fervor for la mano a borsa and il gesto dell’ombrello is unmatched.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (3)


These homebodies are natural caregivers with intense connections to their emotions. BARI, where nonne line the city’s cobblestoned alleys, rolling out fresh orecchiette without even leaving their doorsteps, is the perfect place for Cancers. It’s no coincidence that the shape of orecchiette resembles that of Cancers’ crab shells. Cancers are self-protective, shielded by hard shells that can come off as cold or distant, but once you turn them over, you see their soft sides–gentle, compassionate, and, in the case of orecchiette, filled with a rich pasta sauce. Cancers prefer a comforting, home-cooked meal above any dinner out: they’d never get enough of the cuisine of the capital of Puglia, a region renowned for its cucina povera–cozy and exploding with flavor just like a Cancer.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (4)


These lions are spirited, theatrical, and passionate and are not afraid to do what they want, when they want. Consequences are rarely on their headstrong minds, much like Neapolitans who drive full-speed into bustling intersections. For these fire signs, the city of NAPLES, beneath the active volcano of Vesuvius, is a perfect match, particularly when it comes to their penchants for chaos. Leos like to stir up chaos just for the thrill of it, and the same often feels true of Naples, a disorganized chaos of bumper-to-bumper traffic, narrow alleyways, mopeds, and “one-way streets.” Navigating Naples takes self-confidence and assertiveness–two traits that Leos never lack. You can immediately feel the magnetic energy of a lion (or a Neapolitan) when they enter a room, and no matter what negative characteristics they may have, it’s hard not to love them. Although both are notoriously proud to the point of egomania, Leos and Neapolitans are also intensely loyal to their family and friends (as anyone who’s read Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend would know) and generous in every way… Leos would happily participate in the Neapolitan tradition of caffé sospeso!

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (5)


This earth sign, represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, would thrive in FLORENCE, a city surrounded by fertile hills and a region rich in agriculture, from the plains of Maremma to the vineyards of Chianti. Logical and systematic, Virgos are detail-oriented perfectionists who can drive themselves crazy chasing the “ideal.” Florence may be the capital of Tuscany, but it was also the nexus of the Italian Renaissance, a movement that preoccupied itself with sublime perfection in all ways–the human form, urban planning, art, architecture… Brunelleschi (of the Duomo’s dome), Da Vinci, and Michelangelo–all three of whom have been called “notorious perfectionists”–created some of their greatest works in Florence, many of which can still be seen today. Famously, Michelangelo, unhappy with the progress of his sculpture La Pieta, took a hammer to the Carrara marble. For those Virgos who need a reminder that imperfections can be beautiful, the unfinished, flawed Pieta rests in Florence’s Museo dell’Opera del Duomo.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (6)


The most romantic of the zodiac, these air signs are unashamed aesthetes in constant pursuit of beauty and art. Libras love for their environments to reflect their taste for the exquisite: what better place than VENICE, which shimmers and glitters with gold around every corner? Thanks to its many artisans and yearly Biennale, Venice has beauty and art in abundance, easily satisfying Libras’ desire for the two (plus, the Biennale’s endless drama is great for gossip-loving Libras). Represented by the scales, Libras are devoted to harmony and balance–a value which the capital of Veneto, in a precarious balance between water and land, is well aware of. This need for equilibrium can also make Libras chronically indecisive, but at Venice’s cicchetti bars, in which it’s easy to pick multiple little bites, Libras will feel comfortably safe from FOMO. Plus, this sociable sign is guaranteed to be the life of the party at Carnevale: A night of wild dancing? In intricate costumes? Sign Libras up!

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (7)


Scorpios, with their boundless passion and power, are often mistaken for fire signs, yet these scorpions are actually water signs: in GENOVA, wandering the dark, narrow caruggi of the city, you’re quick to forget you’re just a few meters from the sea. But the port city and capital of Liguria derives its strength from the water just like a Scorpio. For over 700 years, from the 11th century to 1797, Genova was the capital of one of the most powerful maritime republics in the world and a leader in Europe’s commercial trade. The city’s naval power was one to be envied and made it subject to many (many!) attacks over the centuries, from the Carthaginians in 209 B.C. to the French-Savoys in 1625. It’s no wonder that Genova built a scorpion shell of its own (the region is also known for its Brutalist architecture). Scorpios and Genoa are tough-minded and hate being told what to do, and although Scorpios are often mistaken as nefarious, they just know what they want and aren’t afraid to be strategic to get it. Like a Scorpio, Genova knows how to lie in wait–through sieges, invasions, and destruction–ready for the exact moment to sting.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (8)


There’s no better place than CAGLIARI, capital of Sardinia, for the independent Sagittarius–350 kilometers from the mainland, Sardinia is undoubtedly the most independent of the Italian regions. Passionate, curious and adventurous, Sagittarians hate feeling caged or bored. Luckily, a city like Cagliari has a bounty of nature at its fingertips: on one side, the sea, on the other, the mountains. Born-to-explore Sagittarians will have a field day in the rugged landscape of Sardinia, from the wild island of Caprera to the Valle della Luna (Valley of the Moon). In 1971, one of the first Italian hippie communes was founded in these natural caves which, today, are still populated by this community–some permanently and some for a short period of time. A place where you can climb rocks and nothing is tying you down? Sounds pretty Sagittarius to us.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (9)


Ambitious, resilient, and logical, Capricorns match the energy of MILAN, the second-largest city in Italy and the country’s primary financial hub (Capricorns are quite economically savvy!). Capricorns are determined to achieve their goals and often come off as conservative and controlled–much the way gridded Milan seems cold and industrialist to those who don’t know it well. But the reason why Milan and Capricorns are such a true fit is not their big-picture mindsets, but because they are misunderstood in exactly the same way. Only the ones close to a Capricorn see this goat’s untamed side, a side that really knows how to party. The same is true of Milan: it’s not easy to win her over, but once you get beneath the city’s surface, you’ll find there’s a whole lot of fun to be had, from the bohemian Brera neighborhood to the bar-filled Buenos Aires district.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (10)


On the outside, you can spot an Aquarius, the most rebellious sign in the zodiac, by their colorful dyed hair or funky sense of style. What you can’t see, however, is their humanitarian, innovative, and intellectual nature. What better place for an Aquarius than BOLOGNA–the lively, liberal, and hip capital of Emilia-Romagna known as “la dotta [because it’s home to the oldest university in Europe], la grassa [because there’s lots of trattorias with heavy, comforting food], la rossa [for the red bricks of its buildings…alternatively, for its historic Communist leanings]”. Aquarians hate small talk and would much rather discuss the “greater good” and how to change the world: they’ll find ample partners for revolution planning in the University of Bologna’s student population… a topic best discussed over a bowl of tortellini in brodo. Plus, they’ll fit right in at the discoteca with their avant-garde fashion!

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (11)


They say “ROMA non si spiega, si vive” (“Rome cannot be explained, it is lived”). Replace the word “Rome” with “Pisces” and the statement is just as true. One of the most creative and dreamy signs of the zodiac, Pisces have boundless imaginations and Italy’s capital, with its dramatic monuments, is the perfect playground for Pisces’ creativity. Constantly divided between fantasy and reality (represented by their symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions), Pisces would make excellent employees at Rome’s Cinecittà. These water signs need to feel in love all the time, and that’s an easy task for Rome to satisfy: the light! The colors! The people! The history! As Rome is, Pisces are famous for disorganization and messiness, counterintuitively indispensable for their inner machinations and creative process. Pisces have a unique gift for finding beauty in chaos, seeing the divine in the material, and although the glory of Rome’s past is lost in the eyes of many, Pisces see it in everything, from the little sanpietrini to the grand Colosseum. Lucky that Pisces are patient, because, in Rome, the bus is never on time… except when you don’t need it to be. To really live in the Eternal City, the chaos should never be fought, it should be surrendered to… good thing this water sign knows how to go with the flow.

Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (12)
Which Italian City Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? - Italy Segreta (2024)


What is your zodiac sign in Italian? ›

* What's your sign? Qual è il tuo segno? Di che segno sei?

What country are zodiac signs from? ›

The current iteration of Western Astrology is highly influenced by ancient Greece and ancient Babylon. In addition, Zodiac history is primarily derived from the mathematician and astronomer Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, which was published roughly 1,800 years ago.

What is the conservative zodiac sign? ›

As we navigate the swirling cosmic tapestry of astrology, we have discovered the top five most conservative zodiac signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Leo.

What is the Italy sign? ›

The emblem, shaped as a Roman wreath, comprises a white five-pointed star, the Stella d'Italia (English: "Star of Italy"), which is the oldest national symbol of Italy, since it dates back to the Greco-Roman tradition, with a thin red border, superimposed upon a five-spoked cogwheel, standing between an olive branch to ...

What is this ♍ sign? ›

Virgo (♍︎) (Ancient Greek: Παρθένος, romanized: Parthénos; Latin for "virgin" or "maiden") is the sixth astrological sign in the zodiac. It spans the 150–180th degree of the zodiac. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area between August 23 and September 22 on average.

How to know where to live based on astrology? ›

By looking at certain areas of the birth chart known as the angular houses and the planetary aspects, as well as parans of crossing (astrological regions of the same latitude found on an astrocartography chart), we can find the best place on Earth to visit, live and thrive.

What are the 12 zodiac signs based on? ›

Around the end of the fifth century BC, Babylonian astronomers divided the ecliptic into 12 equal "signs", by analogy to 12 schematic months of 30 days each. Each sign contained 30° of celestial longitude, thus creating the first known celestial coordinate system.

What city is perfect for Pisces? ›

PISCES (February 19 - March 20): Salzburg, Austria

"They can forget about their woes and troubles by walking down a beautiful street with a mixture of old charm and modern design. They are good around water, of course, because they are a water sign, which helps balance them.

What does the Bible say about astrology and zodiac signs? ›

The Sun, Moon, and Stars

In the first book of Genesis, God says, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years (Genesis 1:14, ESV).

What religion created zodiac signs? ›

On the basis of their observations and calculations, the Babylonians divided the sky into twelve areas, each of which was assigned a figure, a name, and a specific meaning. This became the zodiac with its twelve zodiac signs such as Aries, Gemini, Virgo, or Leo.

Who first created zodiac signs? ›

The Babylonians had already divided the zodiac into 12 equal signs by 1500 BC — boasting similar constellation names to the ones familiar today, such as The Great Twins, The Lion, The Scales — and these were later incorporated into Greek divination.

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Who is the bossy zodiac sign? ›

Zodiac signs Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Sagittarius, often perceived as bossy, excel in leadership with directness, individuality, and honesty driving their passion, vision, and confidence.

What zodiac sign is ruthless? ›

It's in the stars that Scorpios are the ultimate savages, but they aren't the only signs to be wary of. Gemini and Leo are some of the most ruthless zodiac signs, while Aries naturally takes the prize for the quickest to anger sign. Aries is also an overall firecracker, which can be a good and bad thing.

What is this ♎ sign? ›

In astrology, Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about September 22 to about October 23. It is represented by a woman (sometimes identified with Astraea, the Roman goddess of justice), holding a balance scale or by the balance alone.

What is the name of my zodiac sign? ›

SignMeaningAstrological (tropical) zodiac
TaurusThe Bull21st April to 21st May
GeminiThe Twins22nd May to 21st June
CancerThe Crab22nd June to 22nd July
LeoThe Lion23rd July to 23rd August
9 more rows

What is this ♐ sign? ›

The Sagittarius emoji ♐ depicts the sign of Sagittarius, a constellation and one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology.

How do I tell my zodiac sign? ›

  1. Aries—March 21-April 19.
  2. Taurus—April 20-May 20.
  3. Gemini—May 21-June 20.
  4. Cancer—June 21-July 22.
  5. Leo—July 23-August 22.
  6. Virgo—August 23-September 22.
  7. Libra—September 23-October 22.
  8. Scorpio—October 23-November 21.
Mar 12, 2024

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